Saturday, May 11, 2013

Now and Ben

What was an Armonica?  Find out!

Watch this 90 second video on what makes Benjamin Franklin so famous!

Can you find Philadelphia on Google Earth?  What buildings do you see that Benjamin Franklin would have seen?

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Build your own space mission for NASA here! (Not available for iPad)

A space picture dictionary.

Who's on the space station right now? (Not available for iPad)

Learn more about the International Space Station. (Not available for iPad)

This is a 5 minute video about space suits.

Daily life up at the ISS. (How do they sleep and go to the bathroom?!!!)

What do they eat up at the ISS?

How do astronauts get ready in the morning?

Have more questions for an astronaut?  This astronaut answers some other good questions!